Desk Set Transcript

Speaker 1: Yes, it's Spencer Tracy as you've never seen him before and Katharine Hepburn as you've always wanted to see her. They'll have you rocking and rolling with laughter as they match wits with Miss [Emi 00:00:17], the machine that can replace everybody except a woman like Katy. Wow.

Speaker 2: What are you thinking, Bonnie?

Bonnie: Except for sex, what's left?

Speaker 1: Meet the Desk Set, the girls and boys who make the office such a wonderful place to love in. Gig Young as the prize catch of the office, Joan Blondell, Dina Merrill, Sue Randall, Diane Jergens, Merry Anders. See the kisses, the misses, the conquests, the coffee breaks, the love breaks, and those Christmas parties where everything goes and anything can happen.

Speaker 4: I think perhaps I'd better put my clothes on. I left them in the bedroom. Oh, that sounded funny.

Speaker 5: What do you think of all that guff I swallowed that cozy night at your apartment? For the love of Pete, I even apologized to you for that, and now this I don't know what you're talking about routine. Look, Bunny, I don't know what kind of a game it is you're playing, but whatever it is, you've got the wrong boy.

Speaker 6: Yeah, but not Bunny Watson; it would never work.

Speaker 7: Why not?

Speaker 6: Because you're not in love with me. You're in love with her. She'd always come first. Anything went wrong with her, you would forget about me like that.

Speaker 7: Ah, well, you don't know ... I couldn't care less about that. It could blow up, and it wouldn't bother me.

Speaker 1: You've heard of the country club set, the station wagon set, the social set, but you ain't seen nothing until you've seen what goes on and on and on with the Desk Set.