Week 09 Video Transcript

Welcome to the survey module. Now, you are likely familiar with the survey method. Probably, you have taken more surveys than you care to remember. This is normal. Surveys are all around us, on the bottom of receipts, on websites we visit, and indeed, even in the courses in this program.

So you may understandably be wondering, what more do I need to know about surveys. Anyone can throw together a survey. And yes, that is true. So let me ask you this question. How many bad surveys have you taken? Surveys which irritated you. Surveys which confused you. How many good surveys have you taken?

How many surveys have you taken, that made you think the survey designer truly was interested in your opinion? Did these surveys also make you like, trust the company behind the survey more? Surveys can be good PR. It is likely, you have also used some of the weekly feedback surveys in this core to vent and release frustrations.

I truly do value the feedback you give in these weekly feedback surveys. And I hope they fulfill one of their purposes which is to make you believe I care about your experiences, and I really do. It's also far better for me and the program if you vent on the survey and not to each other or other human beings.

If you release some frustration in the survey, it allows a fresh start to next week's material. Back to this week though and the survey module. This survey module will replicate the structure of the focus group module. This first week of surveys is all about the basics, learning how to craft effective questions and avoiding those survey questions that annoy people.

In other words, some dos and don’ts for survey design. Just as in the focus group module, you will work in your teams to design and deploy the data collection method, the survey. This week's materials primarily focus on this: the design of the survey.