Student Orientation

Creating Zoom Videos 5—Making and Accessing a Recording Video Transcript

Thomas Yazer: It's very important when you start a meeting in Zoom when you're a host, that you started from your account. So please go to To start your account, go to the left hand side, which it says meetings, and either join from your personal meeting room or from your upcoming meeting where it says scheduling meeting or your existing means you already have created.

Click Start from your upcoming meetings. In person meeting, click join now. What this is going to do is going to launch your session from a host point of view. You'll log in as a host without any sort of need to change any settings. You'll have the ability to record right away.

Now when your meeting is actually up and running, you're going to see this screen. And this screen is going to have at the bottom, a record button. When I click record, there's going to be two options, Record on this Computer or Record to the Cloud. Always choose Record to the Cloud if you want to have the ability to share a video with other people.

When you do this, it's going to go to the top left hand corner the screen where it says recording. This is important too. This gives you indication when you see that cloud and the red dot that's flashing, it's going to tell you that you have a recording already taking place. And you can pause it and stop it as you need to.

Now what I do is stop this recording. And I'm going to go back into my recordings area of my program. And you're going to see all the recordings are available. And there are a couple of things I'm going to do. One is I want to look at the share button on the right hand side. When I do this, I should see an option that says password protection. Most password protected videos are done automatically. So you're going to see this as a blue dot like this. And you'll be able to enter a password or password to already be there. So that's something to consider.

The other thing to remember is that when you click on the actual meeting name, you'll see this shared screen with speaker view, shared screen gallery view. And the gallery view will indicate that you have all the webcams being shown in the actual video. And that's what you want to choose. So go to the link that looks like a chain link icon. Click that. It'll copy to the clipboard. And you now have the ability to share that by copying to Moodle, to an email, or any another digital source.

Just be careful about something I mentioned earlier. The audio transcript option is always being transcribed after the video is ready. So you may have to wait until the second email comes in for that transcription to be enabled on the video. If a video is an hour long, it's can take at least an hour of the transcription to be ready. So only share your link here once the transcript has been enabled. And you'll see it'll give a number or size of a transcript after it's done. And you're all set.