Student Orientation

Creating Zoom Videos 4—Recording Settings Video Transcript

Thomas Yazer: It's important to know that every time you have a Zoom session and you're making a recording that you have all of your settings set up, so it's going to record properly. The first thing you're going to do is going to go to your site, where you'll have your landing page that you see here. You're going to log in and you should get an option to sign in with your account.

And once logged in, you're going to see your profile. First thing that you're going to do is you're going to go on the left hand side where it says settings. In settings, you should go to the top the screen where you see the word recording.

Now recording has a number of options that you're going to want to be aware of. The first is that the cloud recording options should be turned on, which it always is. This option here should be always on.

The next options are the types of recordings that are going to be available to you to give to yourself, to other students, or to instructors. And this is the record active speaker with shared screen option or record gallery view with shared screen. Now, this means that if you choose the active speaker with shared screen option, you'll only see one person who is speaking at a time in the big area of the screen.

If you do a gallery view, you'll see all users who have their webcams on on the actual screen itself. Now on a shared screen comes in, that will shift over to the right hand side of the shared screen and you only see a limited number of people. But generally speaking, this record gallery view is the most commonly used form for sharing presentations and recording for multiple people.

The second option you want to be aware of down below is an audio transcript. This is a feature down below that allows us to have a sort of a rudimentary speech to text transcription that's available on the right hand side of a video. So when you make a recording and the recording has been delivered to your account, when you share with a student or instructor, there will be a transcript in the right hand side of the video.

And that's really important because it gives us a chance to have students who might not be able to clearly recognize the audio, or might have a disability that might enable them to use special screen reading software. So it's important we have that option available to people. So that's the next page you're going to do.

Once you have these settings made, it's important that you start your meeting from this particular log in screen so you must be logged into the site. Go to the word meetings on left hand side. And you're going to see either the meeting that you've scheduled using the scheduling meeting tool that you see here in the middle of the screen or your personal meeting room the top right hand corner.

Each of them has a start meeting option that you should click over here. And these particular options will allow you to join the session as a host, meaning you have full recording privileges. And that's also very important, to make sure that you have the ability to record the cloud as well as to access those recordings.