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NU665C: Case Study Rubric

NU665C: Case Study Rubric – 100 Points
Criteria Exemplary
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Total Points
Psychiatric Assessment Takes a comprehensive approach for assessing case study with higher-level thinking.

20 points
Addresses categories with adequate responses.

17 points
Makes an attempt to assess case study client but shows minimal ability to analyze situation.

15 points
Unable to address assessment category in an understandable manner.

13 points
Diagnosis (Primary and Differential) Demonstrates evidence of critical thinking at an advanced practice level.

20 points
Demonstrates some use of critical thinking at the advanced practice level.

17 points
Limited demonstration of critical thinking at the advanced practice level.

15 points
Shows no higher-level thinking.

13 points
Biopsychosocial Case Formulation Presents information in a systematic manner and uses logical format with clear objectives and planning.

20 points
Presents information in a reasonable manner that implies some higher-level understanding.

17 points
Presents information without full clarity of the clinical situation.

15 points
Unable to articulate understanding of the clinical subject matter.

13 points
Treatment Plan, Implementation, Coordination, Health Teaching & Promotion High level of conceptual understanding of the advanced practice role in planning sound treatment, utilizing management techniques, client teaching, and health promotion approaches.

20 points
Demonstrates adequate understanding of the clinical situation, sound teaching, and health promotion approaches.

17 points
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the clinical management system, teaching, and health promotion activities.

15 points
Unable to implement or understand implementation and coordination of care, teaching, or health promotion activities.

13 points
Outcomes and Evidence-based Resources Demonstrates comprehensive use of evidence to support metrics and practice tools. Uses more than three research-based references.

10 points
Demonstrates appropriate use of evidence to support practice/outcome measures. Uses a minimum of three research-based references.

8 points
Minimal use of evidence and limited understanding of outcome measures. Relies only on classroom textbooks as references.

7 points
No demonstration of evidence-based practice. Does not support practice decisions with references.

6 points
Grammar/Spelling Author makes no significant errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content

5 points
Author makes no significant errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content

4 points
Author makes minor errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content

3 points
Author makes several errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content

2 points
APA Format Follows APA 100% of the time

5 points
Follows APA 90-99% of the time

4 points
Follows APA 80-89% of the time

3 points
Follows APA less than 80% of the time

2 points
Total points 100