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Soap Note Assignments Rubric

Soap Note Assignments Rubric – 100 Points
Rubric Criteria Full Completion Partial Completion Not Included Total Points
General Identifying Data (1%)
Source and Reliability of history (1%)
Chief complaint (also known as history of present illness-HPI) or reason for visit (1%)
Past Medical History (1%)
Past Surgical History (1%)
Social History (1%)
Family History (1%)
Medications (1%)
Allergies (1%)
Spelling and grammar are accurate (1%)

(10 points)
Partial Completion

(8 points)
Not included

(0 points)
Subjective Data Information is accurate and organized (5%)
Assessment done were appropriate and complete for the chief complaint and associated systems (15%)
Documented using proper terminology and format (5%)
Spelling and grammar are accurate (5%)

(30 points)
Partial Completion

(26 points)
Not included

(0 points)
Objective Data Information is accurate and organized (5%)
Assessments done were appropriate and complete for the chief complaint and associated systems (15%)
Documented using proper terminology and format (5%)
Spelling and grammar are accurate (5%)

(30 points)
Partial Completion

(26 points)
Not included

(0 points)
Assessment Provides differential list (at least 3) with brief rationale for each differential (15%)
Identifies most likely diagnosis based on subjective and objective data (not included in the differential list)(5%)

(20 points)
Partial Completion

(18 points)
Not included

(0 points)
Plan Formulates plan for the diagnosis listed above Includes:

Appropriate diagnostic tests (2%)
Pharmacologic interventions (2%)
Non-pharmacologic interventions (2%)
Referrals (1%)
Education (2%)
Follow-up (1%)

(10 points)
Partial Completion

(8 points)
Not included

(0 points)
Total points 100