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Pocket Guide Rubric

Pocket Guide Rubric – 100 Points
Criteria Exemplary
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Total Points
Identifies Relevant Sources Provides clear examples supported by course content and references that articulate how sources relate to the topic and why they were selected. Deftly synthesizes course content using course materials and scholarly resources to support important points.

35 points
Provides components that are accurate and thoroughly represented with explanations and application of knowledge to include evidence-based practice, ethics, theory, and/or role. Synthesizes course content using course materials and scholarly resources to support important points.

31 points
Selects sources related to the chosen topic but does not clearly articulate how those sources relate to the topic and/or why they were chosen. Minimal or absent application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role development. Synthesis of course content present but missing depth and/or development.

27 points
Selects resources that are not appropriate for the topic or assignment. No application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role development. Synthesis of course content missing, as is any attempt to explain why the sources were chosen.

Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation. Submits assignment late.

24 points
Concise Summaries of Source Materials Contains clear, complete summaries of the source while offering clarification and new information or insight related to the context of the assignment by providing both supportive and alternative viewpoints to the assignment.

35 points
Contains clear, complete summaries of the source. Evidence of further synthesis of course content in relation to the source is noted. Annotations provide clarification of the assignment within the content and valid explanation and continued dialogue to the assignment.

31 points
Summaries lack clarification or new information. Main ideas within some of the annotations may be confusing or unclear, and the summaries may be incomplete.

27 points
Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation. Annotation is primarily a summation of assignment without further synthesis of course content. Summaries may indicate that the source was misinterpreted or not accurately represented by the annotation.

Submits assignment late.

24 points
Objective Evaluation and Synthesis of Sources Critical analysis of the source content and relationship between the disciplines is evident. The relation to how the student will utilize the knowledge is not only applicable but also plausible within the brief description noted.

20 points
Objective criteria, from the discipline’s point of view, is used to critically analyze the source. The annotation is clear in how the source and content relate to the field of nursing. Student indicates how the information will be used within professional practice.

17 points
Objective criteria are not clearly used allowing for a superficial analysis of content between the source and broader course/assignment content. Annotations and/or the criteria are presented in a generic format without showing relevance to the discipline and to nursing. Student did not indicate how the information will be used within professional practice.

15 points
Demonstrates incomplete understanding of content and/or inadequate preparation. Annotations do not demonstrate critical evaluations of content and/or their connection to sources, course content, or assignment instructions. Student fails to explain how the information will be used within the personal practice.

Submits assignment late.

13 points
Organization Well-organized content with a clear purpose statement and content argument. Writing is concise with a logical flow of ideas.

10 points
Organized content with introductory statement, supportive content, and summary statement. Assignment content is developed with minimal issues in content flow.

8 points
Poor organization and flow of ideas distract from content. Narrative is difficult to follow and frequently causes audience to reread the work.

7 points
Illogical flow of ideas is evident and significant content is missing. The prose rambles.

6 points
Total Points 100