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Pediatric Clinical Reference Tool Grading Rubric

Pediatric Clinical Reference Tool Grading Rubric – 100 Points
Rubric Criteria Exemplary
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Total Points
Overall Quality Presents a useful clinical reference. Content is comprehensive and easily understood.

25 points
Addresses assigned questions but utility as clinical reference is not ideal.

22 points
Content is either overly simplified.

19 points
Content is off topic and incomplete.

17 points
Critical Thinking Presentation reflects thoughtfulness, insight, and analysis. Synthesizes recommendations.

25 points
Thought, insight, and analysis has taken place.

22 points
Restates summary of disorder.

19 points
Presentation is rudimentary and superficial.

17 points
Safety Relevant safety concerns are fully addressed and explained.

25 points
Relevant safety concerns lack clarity or are generalized.

22 points
Safety concerns are incomplete.

19 points
Safety concerns are not addressed.

17 points
Communication Ideas are arranged logically. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas. Errors are minimal. Citations are present. Content is formatte so as to be useful for clinical practice.

25 points
Ideas are arranged logically. In general, language does not interfere with communication. Errors are not distracting or frequent, although may be present. Citations are present.

22 points
Transition between ideas is occasionally rough. Work is organized but communication is distracting due to typos, misspellings and other errors. Citations are present.

19 points
Work is unfocused and poorly organized. In many places language obscures meaning. Lacks logical connection of ideas. Little evidence of proofreading. Citations are omitted.

17 points
Total points 100