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Journal Assignment Rubric

Journal Assignment Rubric–100 Points
Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate Total Points
Journal Entry Focus and Content The entire entry is clear, focused and responds to the entire prompt. It contains self-reflection and content that integrates course topics.

60 points
Most of the entry addresses the prompt. It is clear and focused. There is mention of course topics and self-reflection without integration or clear connection.

53 points
Some of the entry is focused on the prompt. It is vague and rambling without self-reflection and/or course content.

47 points
The entry is not focused and does not address the prompt.

41 points
Organization The entry is organized in a meaningful manner that flows well and is clear to the reader.

15 points
Most of the entry is organized in a meaningful manner. The writing is mostly clear.

13 points
Some of the entry is organized in a meaningful manner. The writing is vague, lacks clarity and purpose.

11 points
The entry is scattered and disorganized.

10 points
Clarity and Style (Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation) The entry has very few grammar or spelling errors but they don’t impact readability.

15 points
The entry has a few spelling and/or grammar issues that slightly impact readability.

13 points
The entry has several spelling and/or grammar issues that somewhat impact readability.

11 points
The entry has many spelling and/or grammar issues that greatly impact readability.

10 points
APA Format Few to no errors in APA formatting, including margins, spacing, pagination, headings, headers, citations, and references according to the specified citation manual.

10 points
Few to several errors in APA formatting, including margins, spacing, pagination, headings, headers, citations, and references according to the specified citation manual.

8 points
Several to many errors in APA formatting, including margins, spacing, pagination, headings, headers, citations, and references according to the specified citation manual.

7 points
Many errors in APA formatting, including margins, spacing, pagination, headings, headers, citations, and references according to the specified citation manual.

6 points
Total Points 100