Current Regis Time

Discussion Rubric

Note: The value of each of the criterion on this rubric represents a point range. (example: 17-0 points)

Discussion Rubric – 100 Points
Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate Points
Frequency of Contribution Initial post with two peer replies posted on two separate days.

25 points
Initial post with two peer replies posted on the same day.

22 points
Initial post with one peer reply.

19 points
Only initial post submitted or only replied to peers.

17 points
Initial Post Initial post to is on time and of the correct length (500–750 words).

All components of the initial post requirements are addressed.

Course content synthesis is applied with at least two scholarly references included.

25 points
Initial post is on time and of the correct length (500–750 words).

Most components of the initial post requirements are addressed.

Synthesis is present but weak.

One to two references are included.

22 points
Initial post is one day late.

Does not meet the correct length (500–750 words).

Some components of the initial post requirements are addressed.


One to two references are included.

19 points
Initial post is more than one day late.

Initial post much fewer than 500-750 words.

Few components of the initial post requirements are addressed.

Lacks course content synthesis.

One or no scholarly references are included.

17 points
Peer Replies On time.

There was substantial evidence and synthesis of course content utilizing course topics and the introduction of questions and new information.

25 points
On time.

There was some evidence and synthesis of course content utilizing course topics and the introduction of questions or new information.

22 points
Replies were at least one day late and/or:

There was either some synthesis of course content or the introduction of questions or new information.

19 points
Replies were two or more days late and/or:

There was little or no evidence of course content utilizing course topics or the introduction of questions or new information.

17 points
Writing Mechanics and APA Format Few to no writing mechanics or APA errors.

25 points
Few to several writing mechanics and/or APA errors.

22 points
Several to moderate writing mechanics and/or APA errors.

19 points
Many writing mechanics and/or APA errors.

17 points
Total points 100