Week 5 Lesson 2 Podcast

Welcome to Week 5, Lesson 2. This is the end of our course. In this lesson, I'd like you to do a few more readings and then I'd like you to write a reflection paper that puts a lot of these concepts together into a concrete set of recommendations that you would make to your company CEO based on what you've learned in class about how you might improve the sustainability of your company.

Now identify what your recommendations might be and whether they would be major improvements, game-changers, in other words, or just minor tactical improvements and support your example, your recommendations with as many examples as you may come up with from your own readings and our discussions in this class. So this is a chance for you to sort of apply what you've learned to your own work experience.

So, again, I've enjoyed working with you this semester and I look forward to reading your reflection papers. Thank you very much.