Loading DNP Course Structure
DNP Course Structure

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Congratulations! You have decided to take the next step in your educational development with the DNP program!

As the highest level of clinical nursing education, a DNP degree prepares registered nurses (RNs) to pursue licensure and careers as advanced practice nurses (APRNs). DNPs strive to improve patient care, take on more significant roles in problem-solving, and raise the bar in advocacy for the health and well-being of others.

The purpose of this interactivity is to give you an overview of the details within each course of the DNP program and to help you identify areas of interest to you. You will see the sequence of the courses and the activities and events that take place in each course. Remember as you complete various activities in the earlier courses that you will revisit some of these activities in later courses to revise and prepare them for final evaluation. As you acquire new knowledge throughout the program, some of your projects will improve with revisions derived from new information.

Our hope is that, as you review this activity, you will begin to see patterns of interest and areas that are meaningful to you. This is important because one of your very first tasks in the program will be to identify an area of nursing practice, the healthcare delivery system, or a healthcare policy you want to focus on throughout the program. You will use the PICO(T) method to develop the clinical question that will compare interventions or actions by healthcare professionals as they care for patients. Because you will be using this question as your focus throughout the program, you want to be sure the topic is something that is important to you.

Enjoy the activity!


After viewing this activity, you will be able to:

  • Explain the areas of focus within a DNP program.
  • Discuss the advantages of a DNP.
  • Identify the structure of the DNP courses and how the courses work together.
  • Describe each course within the DNP program, the activities of each course, and when you will revisit the activities throughout the program.
  • Identify areas of interest to begin working on your PICO(T) question.

Areas of Focus

The DNP is built on competencies that will enhance your knowledge with regards to nursing to incredible levels.

The curriculum focuses on competencies in these areas:


Which of the following relates to clinical prevention focus?

From what does evidence-based practice derive?

Interprofessional collaboration involves:

Advantages of DNP

Here are some of the advantages of DNP:

  • Marketability, while already superior for doctoral-level nursing professionals, will only improve as our healthcare system allows more nurses to assume roles previously held only by physicians.
  • CNMs, NPs, and CRNAs will eventually require a DNP, as opposed to an MSN, which is currently required for credentialing.
  • Intensive clinical practicum requirements in DNP programs provide opportunities for advanced training in a clinical environment.

Overview of DNP

All students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program must complete a Scholarly Practice Project (SPP) that provides evidence of their ability to think critically and to apply research principles. With the guidance of the Scholarly Practice Project Committee, the SPP reports the outcome of evidence-based projects, program evaluation, translational research, clinical guidelines development, or other approved research projects.

With the changing demands of the complex healthcare environment, the highest levels of scientific knowledge and practice expertise are needed to assure quality patient outcomes. This DNP program will prepare you for this environment.

As you begin this program, you will want to keep the following in mind:

  • Rapid expansion of knowledge is needed.
  • Increased complexities of patient care are occurring.
  • The quality of care and patient safety are of national concern.
  • Shortages of nursing personnel demand a higher level of preparation for leaders who can design and assess care.
  • Shortages of doctoral-prepared nursing faculty are increasing.
  • Members of the healthcare teams need to be prepared by educated leaders.

Nursing is moving in the direction of other health professions in the transition to the DNP. Medicine (MD), dentistry (DDS), pharmacy (PharmD), psychology (PsyD), physical therapy (DPT), and audiology (AudD) all require or offer practice doctorates.

How This Program Will Work for You

Over the entire program, you will challenge your mind in ways you never thought possible. You will expand your awareness of evidence-based practice, quality improvement, systems leadership, and other key areas.

The courses within this DNP program are designed to give you a foundation of expertise in specific areas. The courses build upon each other as you progress by revisiting assignments of the past and incorporating your new knowledge into each piece. The repetition is designed to edit your beginning works into masterpieces of nursing development.

Let’s take a walk through the courses to envision the path and processes.

Think of the course structure as a tree. A tree begins as a seedling, looking to be nurtured.

A healthy tree creates a root system that makes the trunk of the tree sturdy and firm in its foundation. The roots evolve and search for more nutrients to further their development, just like human knowledge.

The branches that once started off as thin, frail twigs begin to expand. They grow outward, reaching new heights, yet they stay connected to the trunk. They need that connection to continue to grow.

As the tree grows, it uses resources such as the sun, rain, and soil to stay healthy. It may also face elements such as stormy weather and fierce winds, but the tree finds ways to bend and adapt to overcome and conquer these challenges. A tree, forever connected to its roots, will continue to grow. A tree will produce fruit or seed so that generations of trees will have opportunity for growth as well.

As you go through the courses, remember that they build upon each other. You may revisit activities often to add new details and refine them for the objectives of the next course in the series.

As you venture on this path toward your DNP, remember your roots and the reason you made the decision to be here. Remember to choose a topic for your DNP project that drives you and gets you excited enough to make a difference. Above all else, remember to embrace this journey! Good luck!


Each course is designed to stand-alone, without a need to revisit assignments.

Course Structure for DNP

Here is the course structure for the DNP program. Select each of the course labels for more information about each course.

NU740 Scholarly DNP Project I

Let the journey begin! It is in this course that you choose the topic for your evidence-based practice project. It is imperative that you choose a topic you are interested in. You also will want to be certain the topic is something that can be completed in the time frame you have available. Surveying 10 people regarding their diabetes healthcare challenges may be much more achievable than surveying 1000 people on their general healthcare challenges.

It’s time to begin the journey into the world of gathering, documenting, and evaluating data in an area that has meaning to you. In this course, you will uncover your areas of interest to create a project of value to you. The process of defining a research question will be examined. The many considerations involved when working with volunteers are an important part of the research project.

Your DNP project will be unique to you, although all DNP projects should:

  • Feature a systems or population/aggregate focus.
  • Demonstrate how it can be implemented into your area of practice.
  • Include a realistic plan for sustainability.
  • Include an evaluation of the project’s results.
  • Provide a foundation for future practice scholarship.

Your final DNP project will align with your DNP’s focus and clinical experiences and be something meaningful to you. The faculty will assist you in the development of a feasible project providing guidance and support.

What are Some DNP Ideas?

DNP projects are most often focused on quality improvement initiatives, practice change programs, program evaluations, or the translation of evidence into practice.

For example, if your DNP capstone project is practice-focused, it may involve implementing or evaluating a new practice model, a program of care, or a quality improvement project. If it’s focused on health policy, it may involve analyzing, developing, or implementing policy or legislative change. Or if it’s focused on health systems, it may involve using new technology to enhance or evaluate care or analyzing financial models to improve cost-effectiveness in care models.

Examples include:

  • Pilot study
  • Change initiative
  • Consultation model
  • Policy initiative
  • Quality improvement initiative
  • Design and evaluation of a new model of care

What Will the DNP Involve?

Your DNP project will culminate in a final report that includes a scholarly paper that’s suitable for publication. This scholarly paper will include a description of the project, an evidence-based review of the literature, a description of your findings, the evaluation of your findings and outcomes, and suggestions for its dissemination to the larger nursing community. Dissemination examples may include presenting at a local, regional, state, or national conference, publishing in a peer-reviewed journal, developing a webinar presentation, presenting to the general public, developing a digital poster, etc.

Once your DNP capstone is complete and your DNP mentor/project chair confirms that your scholarly paper is ready for committee review, you can move on to the final portion of the project, which is a final presentation and defense.

How Will My DNP Be Evaluated?

Your DNP project will be evaluated via a review process that includes one or more of the following: faculty chair and committee, academic review, and/or stakeholder review. In general, this review process includes a final oral presentation and project defense that you’ll complete in front of the DNP project committee. Need to say that the student needs to meet the course objects and complete the required 1000 clinical hours.

NU740 Course Description:

This seminar-formatted course is the first of a four-course series designed to assist students in implementing an evidence-based (EBP) practice project. This course will introduce students to the project process and progression through the four (4) course series. Discussions of project scope, quality and development of an EBP project proposal will take place. Students will work with faculty to plan, design and evaluate evidence-based projects. Students will begin the process of program management, gather and critically appraise evidence, develop goals, determine expected project outcomes and establish an appropriate time management plan for the project. As part of this four-course sequence, students will engage in at least 100 hours of mentored experience per course from the inception of the EBP problem to dissemination of the findings to meet the overall requirement of 1000 hours per program requirement.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Identify a practice problem for their evidenced based practice (EBP) project.
  2. Evaluate current research, theory and other available evidence in addressing an identified practice problem.
  3. Select an appropriate evidence-based practice model for their EBP practice project based on an evaluation of relevant EBP models.
  4. Develop a synthesis paper on an identified practice problem based on the evaluation and synthesis of available evidence from research, theory and practice.
  5. Commence a mentoring relationship with a self-selected mentor for the purpose of evaluating the leadership and management roles of the doctoral prepared nurse in creating a quality health care delivery system and synthesizing the theoretical concepts of the DNP curriculum.
  6. Initiate the assessment of their achievement of the DNP program outcomes through the development of a portfolio.

Key Details of NU740

  • Chapter 1
  • PICO(T) question
  • Statement of the problem
  • Background and significance
  • Scholarly Practice Project (SPP)
  • NU 740 Project Proposal development

NU726 Advanced Research Methods for EBP I

NU726 Course Description:

This is the first of two sequential courses that provides the students with an in-depth analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods used in nursing and health care research. Throughout the course, students will use critical thinking skills to analyze qualitative and quantitative methods as a framework for making decisions regarding clinical problems. Evidence-based practice models will be analyzed to facilitate the identification of a practice problem and the development of an extensive review of the literature.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Critically analyze evidence from varying research methods.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts related to the design and conduct of varied qualitative and quantitative research methods.
  3. Analyze and apply the philosophical and/or theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
  4. Evaluate various evidence-based practice models for their effectiveness in meeting current organizational and interdisciplinary service needs.
  5. Critically analyze and synthesize the evidence to identify an EBP problem in practice.
  6. Develop Chapters I and II to address the identified EBP problem.

Key Details of NU726

Research – further develop and refine paper according to guidelines/work on literature review

NU727 Advanced Research Methods for EBP II

NU727 Course Description:

This is the second of two sequential courses that will guide students in the progressive development of their evidence-based practice project. This course will focus on in-depth analysis of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods. Utilizing an EBP model, students will develop a comprehensive plan for project implementation and evaluation.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Examine qualitative and quantitative research design methodologies.
  2. Analyze concepts and principles of data collection and data analysis
  3. Describe research process steps (identifying research question, study design, data collection, data analysis, and disseminating findings).
  4. Apply probability and decision theory in answering research questions and in the selection of statistical tests and data collection instruments.
  5. Apply ethical and legal principles governing research methods, in particular the use of human subjects.
  6. Examine evidence-based practice strategies in integrating and synthesizing research studies to advance professional practice.
  7. Continue to develop Scholarly DNP Project according to the Template and Guidelines for the Scholarly DNP Project

Key Details of NU727

Research – further develop and refine paper according to guidelines/ literature review/ work on aspects of IRB Application

NU741 Scholarly DNP Project II

NU741 Course Description:

This seminar-formatted course is the second of a four-course series designed to assist students in implementing an evidence-based practice (EBP) project. This course will build upon work completed in the first course, with the focus on project management, evaluation methods, completion of an EBP project proposal and hearing, and submission of an IRB application. Students will continue in their completion of 400 hours of mentored experience from the inception of the EBP problem to dissemination of the findings.

NU741 Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Develop a complete EBP proposal.
  2. Defend an EBP proposal for implementation.
  3. Complete and submit an Institutional Review Board application.

Key Details of NU741

Once IRB approval is received access into NU 742 is allowed to preview content of the course.

NU742 Scholarly DNP Project III

NU742 Course Description:

This seminar-formatted course is the third of a four-course series designed to assist students in implementing an evidence-based practice (EBP) project. The focus of this course is on the implementation of the evidence-based practice project completed in NU 741 Scholarly DNP Project II and subsequent collection of data for evaluation of the project. Students will continue in their completion of 400 hours of mentored experience from the inception of the EBP project to dissemination of the findings.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Implement the steps of an evidence-based practice project based on a selected EBP model, including the collection of data.

Key Details of NU742

Project implementation.

NU743 Scholarly DNP Project IV

NU743 Course Description:

This seminar-formatted course is the fourth of a four course series designed to assist students in completing an evidence-based practice project (EBP). The focus of this course is on analyzing data obtained from the evaluation process and dissemination of the project findings. Students must successfully orally defend their project as well as submit an article for publication or abstract for professional presentation and an executive summary. It is expected that students will disseminate their EBP project findings and will have completed the 300-400 hours of mentored experience in this course.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Evaluate data obtained from implementation of an EBP project.
  2. Complete a written document of an implemented EBP project.
  3. Defend the findings of an EBP document.
  4. Generate knowledge through dissemination of evidence based practice findings.
  5. Demonstrate final assessment of attainment of the DNP student learning outcomes and synthesis of theoretical concepts in the DNP program through the completion of a portfolio.

Key Details of NU742

Project analysis and implementation.

Task Overview

Here is a visual to help you identify the activities and tasks within each course and their progression through the program. Please print out this table and use as you go through the DNP program. This will help you stay on track and understand what is coming up in the next course.

activities and tasks within each course and their progression through
                        the DNP program Task Overview (PDF)

Checklist for Students

Please print out this checklist and use as you go through the DNP program. This will help you stay on track and understand what is coming up in the next course. This will also show you where you will revisit aspects of your projects again in future courses.

DNP program checklist Program Checklist (PDF)
Activity is complete.