Video 4 Transcript

Narrator: Upon arrival just outside of the CNO’s office, the providers notice Darla’s presence and hear her state.

Darla: Can you believe that stupid girl would do this! That poor baby! We have protocol for when we have two patients in a room—protocol I developed! It would have kept this from happening. She needs to be fired! I can’t believe she would do something like this just to make me look bad! I told you we shouldn’t be hiring graduate nurses into specialty areas! They should all be assigned to the med/surg units.

Narrator: After hearing this, Dr. Baird and Ena step into the office and ask to speak with the CNO. The CNO asks what they’d like to discuss, to which they state the situation on the unit. Darla becomes very defensive and begins gaslighting (a form of psychological manipulation in which the aggressor attempts to create self-doubt and confusion regarding what is known to be true—it distorts reality and forces others to question their own judgement and intuition). Darla asks why such a strong drug was prescribed to a patient in the same room as an infant. She blames everything that occurred on the prescribers and Melinda, while denying any fault in the occurrence or the new initiatives that led up to this issue.