Hello my friends! I’m Scott Satti, a mental health nurse practitioner. You can call me Scott, or Mr. Satti, or just Satti. I use he/him/his pronouns. I have more than 15 years’ experience working with people who struggle with addiction. I want to especially welcome those who are joining us for the first time today, including my student psychiatric nurse practitioner.
I hope you know you’ve joined a solution-focused, brief therapy group. Solution-focused means we are going to focus on our solutions to the problems and not the problems themselves. I’m going to help you reframe your thought process from “this is my problem” to “how am I going to handle this problem.” And it won’t really be me—you and other members of the group will be doing the work, wah-wah!
You may be used to therapy that asked about your childhood, or how you felt in high school, or encouraged you to talk about your past. Nope. We don’t do any of that. This is different. We are not going to give much attention to the past at all. My friends, we are going to look forward, paying attention to your goals going into the future.
Let’s start with introductions, my friends. What do you want to be called? What pronouns do you use? Who are you? Why are you here? Also tell us how long you’ve been with the group. Who would like to be first?