Loading Conflict Self-Assessment

For each statement below, rate yourself from 1 to 5 as follows

  • 5 = typical of how you act during conflict
  • 4 = frequently typical
  • 3 = occasionally typical
  • 2 = seldom typical
  • 1 = never typical

During conflict, I prefer to...

  1. Create new possibilities to address all important concerns
  2. Persuade others to see it and/or do it my way
  3. Work out some sort of give-and-take agreement
  4. Let other people have their way
  5. Wait and let the conflict take care of itself
  6. Find ways that everyone can win
  7. Use whatever power I have to get what I want
  8. Find an agreeable compromise among people involved
  9. Give in so others get what they think is important
  10. Withdraw from the situation
  11. Assertively cooperate until everyone’s needs are met
  12. Compete until I either win or lose
  13. Engage in “give a little and get a little”
  14. Let others’ needs be met more than my own needs
  15. Avoid taking any action for as long as I can
  16. Partner with others to find the most inclusive solution
  17. Put my foot down assertively for a quick solution
  18. Negotiate for what all sides value and can live without
  19. Agree to what others want to create harmony
  20. Keep as far away from others involved as possible
  21. Stick with it to get everyone’s highest priorities
  22. Argue and debate over the best way
  23. Create some middle position everyone agrees to
  24. Put my priorities below those of other people
  25. Hope the issue does not come up
  26. Collaborate with others to achieve our goals together
  27. Compete with others for scarce resource
  28. Emphasize compromise and trade-offs
  29. Cool things down by letting others do it their way
  30. Change the subject to avoid the fighting

Your conflict style scores are:

  • Collaborating: 4
  • Competing: 9
  • Compromising: 2
  • Accommodating: 4
  • Avoiding: 15

The style with the highest score is your preferred way of dealing with conflict, while your lowest score is the way that you least frequently deal with conflict. Scores can range from 5 to 25 on each of the 5 styles.

When finished, save or print this for reference.

Activity is complete.