Not only does Kaltura allow users to upload existing video and audio content, it actually provides a suite of tools called Capture Space that allows users to create new audio and video content. Capture Space is simply a piece of software that is downloaded on either a Mac or a PC that will allow you to do one of the following: web cam recording, audio recording, screen recording, or voiceover presentation. Capture Space is available to all faculty, staff, and students, and we allow for users to download Capture Space on an infinite number of computers and create unlimited video and audio content. Let's take a look at how this works.
First, navigate to any course within Canvas and choose My Media from the left side navigation bar. Once My Media loads, select Add New and Capture Space. If you haven't downloaded Capture Space yet it'll prompt you to download either the Windows version or the Mac version, and it'll provide you also a list of the system requirements that you need. I am running a Windows machine, so I'll simply choose Download for Windows. I'll save the file and then I'll go to my downloads folder, click on the file to run it, and it's going to begin installing. Again, it's going to be pretty typical to any other piece of software you may have downloaded in the past. You can see it's already finished. I have a little dialogue box that has popped up that says, "Please launch the Kaltura Capture Space Desktop Recorder from the Add New menu." If I minimize my browser you can see I now have Capture Space installed. Here it is right here.
Now, to launch Capture Space I simply go back into My Media, I choose Add New, and I select Capture Space. It'll detect that I already have it installed and will ask if I want to launch the piece of software. In this case, I'll go ahead and say open link, and Capture Space has now launched. You can see it's just a piece of software that I have brought up on my computer. Now, the Capture Space tool provides me several options for recording. I can do simple voice and audio recordings. I can do web cam recordings. I can do a screen recording that also includes my web cam, just a screen recording with no web cam, or a presentation recording. Let's take a look at a couple of these options.
Let's say for example I want to do a screen recording because I want to show something that I might pull up, maybe in Excel. It's pretty simple, I simply choose Screen Recording. I'm running dual monitors so it's actually going to ask me which screen I want to record. I'm going to select this one, and I'm going to choose to record my full screen. I'm going to begin by choosing the Record button. It's going to count me in, and it is now currently recording my desktop. I could pull up Excel, I could pull up the browser, do whatever I want to do, and it's going to record everything I do on this screen plus my audio.
When I'm finished, I simply pull up the Capture Space software and I hit Done. It'll begin processing ... It is now currently recording my desktop. I could pull up Excel ... It'll show me a preview of this recording. I can trim the video. I can chop things out of it. When I'm finished I can hit Done. I can then give it a title. I can give it a description. I can add tags. When I'm finished I simply hit the Upload button and it begins processing and uploading into My Media. You can see that the video has been uploaded. To check that it's there I simply pull up Canvas, refresh the page, and you can see I now have a new screen recording loaded into My Media.
Capture Space provides a couple of other options. You can also do presentation lectures, which basically means you can do a voiceover presentation. To do a voiceover presentation it's very simple. I would choose Presentation of Lectures. A box is going to pop up. I can simply choose which web cam I want to use, if any. I'm going to choose none. I can choose whether I want to do a screen capture, which I don't. I'm going to do a presentation capture, so under Presentation I would choose On, and I would browse for that presentation. Here is one. It's going to pull that presentation into Kaltura. I can choose which audio I want to use; my built in microphone or my web cam microphone. I would simply hit Record.
Once I hit Record it's actually going to launch PowerPoint and count me in. When I'm finished I simply hit Done. It provides another preview. I can hit Done again, provide a title, description, tags, and upload into My Media. The limit for recording is up to two hours. To check that the video is there I simply pull up Canvas again. I can refresh My Media and I now have the new video that is beginning to process.
This is how you can use Capture Space. Again, it's pretty simple to go through. From the instructor side, if you're looking now how to imbed some of these videos within the Canvas environment, that'll be covered in another video. From the student perspective, if you're looking on how to submit one of these videos as an assignment, again, that'll be covered in another video.