A: Please reach out to the Student Support Team at studentsupport@healthadministrationdegree.usc.edu and include a screenshot of the error you are receiving

A: Course sections are pre-assigned and determined by your cohort. We cannot accommodate any requests to switch to another section of the course, for any reason.

A: Reach out to the Student Support Team to discuss your options for the upcoming semester and any possible impacts to future terms.

A: Depending on the type of hold, your Academic Advisor may be unable to register you for classes.

The following table lists types of hold and actions to take.
Type of Hold and Action to Take
Hold Description Action to Take
ADM New student indicator to monitor academic progress No action needed. Your Program Administrator with remove your ADM hold after your final grades for the semester have been reviewed and it is determined that your conditions have been met.
RNR* Transcript verification You may have outstanding transcripts that need to be on file with the University. Ensure you've completed the IERF process for any international transcripts and/or submitted official transcripts for all universities.
STU International student verification No action needed. Notify your advisor if not lifted prior to registration period.
USC* Required online training course Complete the online training course when available on myUSC portal.
COLL* Collections for past-due student account balance Contact University Collections and work with Financial Aid and/or Financial Services to settle past-due student account balance.

*Without action on your part to clear these holds, your Academic Advisor is unable to register you for classes.